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 TMB Consulting     is not a registered or licensed analyst, broker or financial/investment advisor and, as such, the information conveyed through the services provided through this website should not be taken as financial advice. All information conveyed through the services provided on this website is for educational purposes only.



Past results are not indicative of future performance. Trading through and investing in financial markets (forex, cryptocurrencies, stocks, options etc) involves a large amount of risk. No individual should engage in any trading or investment activities unless they fully understand the risk associated with such activities. Any financial losses burdened by an individual from the decision to extrapolate the information conveyed through the services provided on this website to financial markets is solely the responsibility of the individual that enacted said decision. We at TMB Consulting     accept no liability for any losses incurred by an individual who decides to trade in financial markets, whether said individual fully understood the risks or otherwise.

If you do decide to trade, to minimize the emotional impact that losses can bring, we urge you to trade with money that, if lost, won’t have an impact on your day-to-day activities and your ability to uphold financial obligations (herein “risk capital”). This is by no means a suggestion by us at TMB Consulting     to you, or any other individual, that trading with money you consider risk capital is safe. TMB Consulting     accepts no loss of an individual's risk capital.




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